INTEQ is the industry leader in a full range of directional and performance drilling applications. No matter where you are drilling, INTEQ is likely to have the drilling systems solution that best meets your needs.
We engineer and provide our drilling technology as part of a customized system, including directional and horizontal drilling motors, drill bits, measurement-while-drilling and completions. This integrated approach can enhance overall drilling performance and maximize the production potential of each well.
Our technology is expertly applied by an experienced team of directional drilling supervisors, field service engineers and technical services representatives. Rigsite personnel are backed by regional coordinators, drilling engineers and field maintenance personnel.
Our services are delivered through a worldwide operations network, which places qualified people, reliable equipment and in-depth support where they can contribute most to the success of the project.
INTEQ also operates research and manufacturing facilities in Houston, Texas and Celle, Germany. Our engineering support professionals bring years of experience to each job, helping customers achieve their objectives for efficient, cost-effective performance.
Directional Drilling Experience - Our drilling systems have been used in thousands of vertical, horizontal and directional wells around the world. We have applied our cumulative experience in developing the new Navi-Drill® Ultra Series™ drilling motors which have set a new standard for performance and reliability and new intermediate-radius motors that improve performance on re-entry wells.
AutoTrak® Rotary Closed Loop System - INTEQ's AutoTrak Rotary Closed Loop System (RCLS) is an automated directional drilling system that contains its own programmed controller and steering sub, and drills continuously in the rotary mode. Steering is controlled by a non-rotating, orienting sleeve with expanding stabilizer pads. Precisely controlled force on the expanding pads produces resultant force vectors that maintain inclination alignment and direction along the programmed well path. Course corrections are made continuously while drilling, with no trips required for tool adjustments.
Real-time surface monitoring permits changes to the wellpath program if desired. This new technology increases the rate-of-penetration, improves hole quality, and enables greater extended reach capability. The system comprises a full MWD, geosteering and automated rotary drilling capability, which enables precise placement of the wellbore within the target formation.
Full Line of Motors -Navi-Drill® Ultra Series motors are available in a wide range of sizes and power section options. They can be configured for directional and straight-hole drilling in hole sizes from 3 7/8" to 23".
INTEQ's new Navi-Drill Ultra Series drilling motors truly represent the new standard in high performance downhole drilling motors.
Re-entry Drilling Technology - Re-entry and horizontal drilling technologies represent 20 years of INTEQ component and methods development informed by our worldwide experience in directional drilling. Baker Hughes is the clear technical leader in re-entry drilling systems and their application.
We determine drilling system requirements by evaluating formation characteristics and the directional profile required to reach your reservoir target. Using INTEQ drilling systems, your re-entry project can be designed to:
* Make maximum use of existing casing
* Avoid problem formations
* Maintain spacing between multiple wellpaths
* Reach pay zones close to the vertical hole
* Reach multiple pay zones
* Stay within limited lease boundaries
Measurement-While-Drilling - INTEQ measurement-while-drilling (MWD) technology is recognized as the industry benchmark for performance and reliability. From basic survey readings through wireline replacement logging services, our systems provide accurate information to help oil companies enhance drilling performance, optimize well placement and gather quantitative information about the reservoir.
Experienced field service engineers operate the systems at the rigsite to provide real-time data. They are backed by our worldwide operations network and our industry-leading research, engineering and manufacturing capabilities.
Directional/Gamma Systems - INTEQ MWD systems enhance drilling performance and provide precise control of the well's trajectory. For example, our collar mounted systems and NaviTrak®/NaviGamma® services deliver real-time directional information, including hole inclination, azimuth and toolface orientation. More advanced tools also measure formation gamma ray levels to detect changes in lithology.
Drilling Dynamics® - INTEQ's Modular Advanced Pressure (MAP™) tool provides advanced downhole pressure measurements and features a subwall-mounted cartridge with an annular and bore transducer.
These measurements help drillers avoid problems, improve ROP and reduce drilling costs.
Geosteering - INTEQ introduced the concept of geosteering to the industry. Using a combination of pre-job modeling, steerable motors and near-bit directional and formation evaluation sensors, our experts can accurately place horizontal wells in tight target zones and keep them there for extended hole sections.
Employing such innovations as our AutoTrak service, geosteering has helped operators maximize production from their horizontal wells.
Rabu, 22 April 2009
Pengenalan Drilling & MWD Services
Minyak Bumi Dikenal Orang
Orang-orang di Sumatera mulai memanfaatkan minyak bumi pada abad XVI. Kala itu minyak bumi selain digunakan untuk bahan obat dan penerangan obor juga digunakan sebagai senjata menghalau musuh. Rakyat Aceh dengan senjata bola-bola api dari minyak bumi berhasil menghalau armada Portugis di Selat Malaka. |
Kemudian pada tahun 1883, A.J. Zijiker pimpinan perkebunan tembakau diwilayah Langkat secara tidak sengaja menemukan minyak bumi yang merembes kepermukaan membentuk seperti kubangan. Dengan penemuannya itu maka pada tanggal 15 Juni 1885 melakukan pemboran yang hasilnya cukup potensial untuk dikembangkan. Daerah pengembangan secara komersial oleh A.J. Zijiker disebut Kompiek Pangkalan Brandan Kabupaten Langkat Sumatera Utara yang merupakan tonggak sejarah Perminyakan di Indonesia. |
Namun jauh sebelum itu, pada tahun 972 masyarakat Sumatera Selatan sudah mengenalnya. Hal itu dibuktikan dalam catatan sejarah Cina, pada masa itu kerajaan Sriwijaya Palembang selalu mengirimkan guci-guci berisi minyak bumi kepada kaisar Cina di kota Langit Biru. Orang-orang Cina kala itu sangat memerlukan cairan minyak bumi untuk dijadikan bahan obat penyakit kulit dan reumatik. Minyak bumi yang dikirim dari kerajaan Sriwijaya itu diperoleh dengan cara mencidukdari rembesan di permukaan bumi Sumatera Selatan.
Penemuan Minyak Bumi Komersial di Sumatera Selatan
Prabumulih dalam sejarah perminyakan disebut Komplek Palembang Selatan (KPS). Pertama kali minyak bumi ditemukan di daerah ini oleh bangsa Belanda pada tahun 1870 pada rembesan puncak antiklin di Kampung Minyak ketika melakukan pemetaan geologi. Pada tahun 1896 daerah ini dikembangkan dan diproduksikan melalui sumur dangkal sedalam 65 meter di Kampong Minyak dan Babat oleh Muara Enim Petroleum. Pada tahun 1901 Sumatera Palembang Petroleum Company (Sumpal) membuka kegiatan tambang minyak di Suban Jeriji, pada waktu itu merupakan pusat kantor lapangan. Minyak yang diproproduksikan oleh Sumpal berasal sumur kedalaman 105 meter di Air Ngalega dan Suban Jeriji.
Produksi minyak yang dihasilkan oleh Muara Enim Petroleum Company diolah di kilang Plaju. Sedangkan produksi dari Sumpal diolah di kilang Bayung Lincir, jaraknya 100 mil sebelah barat laut dari Palembang. Selain itu Musi Petroleum Company kegiatannya hanya dibidang pengolahan saja di Bagus Kuning yang jaraknya satu setengah mil dari Plaju. |
Perkembangan Perusahaan Minyak di Sumatera Selatan
Dengan diketemukannya minyak bumi di Komplek Palembang Selatan (Prabumulih) dan diproduksikan secara komersial maka The Royal Dutch membuka usaha dalam bidang pengangkutan dan pemasaran hasil. Usaha yang sama juga dilakukan oleh The Shell Transport and Trading Co yang didirikan oleh Balai Perniagaan Inggris. Berdasarkan perjanjian kontrak hasil minyak dari Muara Enim Co dan Musi Ilir Co diserahkan kepada Shell, terutama hasil minyak tanah untuk penerangan lampu. |
Perkembangan selanjutnya, Sumatera Palembang Petroleum Co dipersatukan dengan The Royal Dutch yang selanjutnya pada tanggal 17 Mei 1902 bersama Shell membentuk Asiatic Petroleum Co. Pembentukan itu merupakan organisasi dalam hal pengangkutan dan perdagangan minyak untuk kepentingan kongsi tersebut. Pada tahun 1904 Muara Enim Petroleum Co bergabung dengan The Royal Dutch dan tahun 1906 menyusul Musi Ilir Co. Penggabungan kedalam tubuh The Royal Dutch maka menjadikan sebagai pengusaha tunggal perminyakan di Sumatera Selatan.
Selanjutnya, setelah Shell dan The Royal Dutch dipersatukan pada tanggal 26 Februari 1907 dan pembentukan serentak dari De Bataafshe Petroleum Maatschappij, The Angle Saxon Petroleum Company dan The Shell Petroleum Company (disebut The Asiatic) dibawah pimpinan The Royal Dutch dibentuk suatu persekutuan seluruh perusahaan penghasil minyak di Nusantara dengan nama Committe Of Producer atau Panitia Penghasil. Dalam persekutuan itu diberlakukan pembagian pengelolaan diantaranya; Bataafsche Petroleum Mij (BPM) dibidang produksi dan Asiatic Petroleum dibidang pemasaran serta Anglo Saxon dibidang pengangkatan.
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