Senin, 27 April 2009

Pemilihan Core Bit

INTEQ coring bits have high resistance to abrasion and can last through long bit runs because they are fabricated with erosion-resistant tungsten carbide matrix bodies. Cutters designed of polycrystalline diamond compact (PDC) materials, natural diamonds and Ballaset® thermally stable synthetic diamonds provide a wide range of performance characteristics suitable for coring in any formation.
  • PDC cutters deliver high penetration rates and long bit life. They maintain a sharp cutting edge in soft to moderately hard formations.
  • Natural diamond bits provide smooth cutting surfaces for improved wear in moderately hard to hard formations.
  • Ballaset bits are thermally stable. They can operate in applications that generate high frictional heat to 2,192° F (1,200° C).
Fixed Cutter Core Bit Design

Our coring bits are manufactured by Hughes Christensen to our specifications, and are engineered for superior service in your coring application. We design for the best possible service in specified applications by controlling the following variables :
  • Core bit profile
  • Gage protection
  • Cutter density
  • Cutter placement
  • Cutter orientation
  • Cutter exposure
  • Core bit hydraulics
Ultra Series Core Bits
The highly durable polished cutters of our stress engineered Ultra Series™ PDC core bits reduce the damaging effects of residual stresses that can shorten bit life in hard formations. These fracture resistant cutters are polished until their coefficients of friction compare with those of ice sliding on ice. The polished cutters improve cuttings removal, penetration rates and drilling efficiency.

Genesis Core Bits
Genesis combines advanced technology and a revolutionary design process to achieve maximum performance and consistency in defined applications. The objective is to develop a new line of PDC bits that provides the optimum combination of core recovery, drilling efficiency and durability for specific formations.

Force Balance Core Bits
Bit whirl can cause poor penetration rates, reduced bit life and core barrel jamming. INTEQ Force Balance technology ends hole spiraling and reduces core damage by eliminating bit whirl.

CoreDrill® Core Bits
Our CoreDrill bits can be converted from drilling to coring without tripping the drillstring. These Force Balance, dual purpose core bits reduce drill rig time substantially, reducing the cost of coring operations while producing high quality core samples.

Our CoreGard™ low invasion coring systems employ unique designs and extended pilot shoes to guard against coring fluids filtrate invasion while the core is being cut. Light set CoreGard bits have face discharge ports and PDC ID gage trimmers for quick formation of the filter cake. This further reduces filtrate invasion of the core sample.


Proprietary INTEQ coring gel totally encapsulates the core as it enters the purpose-built inner core barrel. CoreGel works best with INTEQ low invasion CoreGard core bits, reducing static invasion and promoting the mechanical integrity of the core.

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Pemerintah Tunjuk Penilai Listrik Panas Bumi

VIVAnews - Pemerintah akan menunjuk independent apprasial (tim penilai) untuk menjembatani dispartitas harga jual listrik panas bumi antara pengembang listrik swasta panas bumi (IPP) dan PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN persero).

Menurut Direktur Jenderal Listrik dan Pemanfaatan Energi (LPE) J Purwono, dengan adanya penilai independen itu diharapkan bisa segera mencapai kesepakatan.
"Juli kita targetkan selesai," ujar dia di Gedung Komisi Energi DPR Jakarta, Selasa, 16 Juni 2009.

Nantinya, kata dia, harga tersebut dapat dijadikan PLN sebagai Harga Patokan Sendiri (HPS) untuk tender proyek pembangkit listrik panas bumi yang akan masuk dalam proyek percepatan 10 ribu Megawatt (MW) tahap kedua.

Diharapkan harga yang ditetapkan tim penilai merupakan harga yang fix dan sesuai dengan harga keekonomian, sehingga bisa dipakai dalam waktu jangka panjang.

Pasalnya, proyek panas bumi tidak terlalu berpengaruh pada fluktuasi harga komoditas bahan bakar seperti minyak, gas atau pun batu bara. "Kalau panas bumi mengacu pada fluktuasi harga indeks, harganya lebih murah dan stabil," tutur Purwono.

Seperti diketahui, PLN meminta harga jual listrik panas bumi sebesar US$7 sen per kwh. Sedangkan PLN meminta harga beli dari pihak swasta US$9 sen perkwh.

Purwono menjamin, kendati nantinya ditambah pembangkit berbahan bakar panas bumi namun tidak akan membuat anggaran subsidi membengkak.

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